Monday, February 22, 2010

Fear not, weary traveler, for here you may find a place to rest.

Good morning! Hey! And hello!

The introductory blog posts in most blogs I've read are almost always awkward, rather halting, and somewhat unclear in their meaning. However, you, dear reader, have the great luck of stumbling upon a blog written by students in a college world cinema class, which means our goals have been clearly defined, and - should we stray from our path - the consequences may be...severe.

(Okay, they wouldn't actually be severe. But my friends and I have been indulging in a little Harry Potter love lately, so my room is always filled with the melodies of John Williams and the oh-so-very quotable voices of those beloved Brits- even Umbridge.)

Now, without further ado, may I introduce to you the current contributors to this blog, which has been aptly named, for the time being, "Stuff and Things," because of a lack of focus and concern during one particular Saturday morning meeting, but whose name I am supposing we will change when the mood strikes us.

First, there is Jess! Jess is a junior youth ministry major, who recently, out of the goodness of her heart, hacked off the majority of her usually waist-length golden mane to donate to Locks of Love.
Next, we have John! A soccer star since infancy, he usually starts at the right bench, and has played on the field for a total of a whopping 3 minutes in the entirety of his collegiate career.
Cameron, the second of the three males which comprise the group, can play a snare drum and run a sound booth at the same time- a talent which comes in handy more often than you'd think.
Jenna, who hails from our own beloved Canton, enjoys driving to and from school every day, and hanging out with the wee ones...or, you know, "children," as some people might call them.
Jeff, the silent but deadly type, is the jokester of the group, and functions amazingly well for the three hours of sleep he averages per night.
And I, the omniscient voice behind this, the first of our many blog posts, am Deanna. I was recently reminded at a conference I attended that "sarcasm is a viable form of communication," a piece of advice I have obviously already heartily implemented in my life. (That quote is from Susan Isaacs, by the way, and the conference was Jubilee.)

Thus concludes our own dear, awkward, stumbling introduction. More to come!

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